


会议期间,多位华为全球TECH4ALL合作伙伴介绍了目前正在全球范围内运作的项目,“青椒计划”是其中之一。数字技术与多方合作的强大结合是推动每个项目产生积极成果的基础,华为ICT Marketing总裁周军在圆桌会议上致开幕词时表示:“我们在TECH4ALL倡议下的所有项目都是由数字技术和伙伴合作的结合才得以实现的。”

















Distinguished friends from HUAWEI and friends from media, ladies, and gentlemen, good morning. Thank all the presenters for presenting very inspiring thoughts about environment protection using HUAWEI’s techonology. I am Ling Hui from YouChange China Social Entrepreneur Foundation. It’s my pleasure to be invited to share our work with HUAWEI to empower teachers across rural China. YouChange, similar to the pronunciation of “友成” in Chinese which means friendship and success, is an independent, innovative, private foundation, aiming to promote comprehensive social innovations, to build a neo-philanthropy value chain and to facilitate the creation of a more fair, efficient and sustainable social eco-system.

Since 2020, YouChange Foundation and HUAWEI have been working together on the Youth Teacher Empowerment Education Plan, which delivers a year of online training to early-career teachers in rural areas in China. This cooperation was based on the consensus that technology can bring educational resources to where they are needed most.

In the past 3 years, we have jointly supported nearly 100,000 early-career rural teachers from more than 600 counties of 25 provinces, using digital technology powered by HUAWEI CLOUD WeLink. WeLink enables them to learn and connect wherever they are and whenever they want.

Rural young teachers face problems such as lack of career development and upskilling opportunities. The mission of the program is to promote educational equity in China. As a backbone organization, our key responsibility is to design the program and to mobilize resources including academic knowledge from Beijing Normal University and online platforms from HUAWEI CLOUD, and also to secure the resouces from local and central government. We call it a collective impact model.

This is Ms. Fan Linlin, a young teacher in Funing county, Yunnan Province which is in southwest China. In 2017, she became a rural teacher in a small village. One year later, she graduated from our program ranking top 100 among over 30,000 participants, which made her stood out in the eye of the local education bureau and was on secondment there to implement educational digitalization programs.

This is Ms. Li Yaping, from Leishan county, Guizhou Province. She had never been out of Guizhou Province because of budget and transportation constraints until our project invited her to a study tour in Beijing as one of the top100 graduates in 2021, and then the next year to Hangzhou as our teaching assistant. We were invited to her school last September and got to know that she just won a county-level teaching award which was rarely given to first-year teachers. She said that I am far from perfect, however, I believe I can become the torch for others. And we can tell that she is very satisfied for her job and her students love her very much. Recording to a recent program evaluation, significant improvement on teaching skills and awareness and teaching performance satisfaction can be found in evaluation.

These are just 2 examples of our beneficiaries, showing that the change and impact our program and the partnership have brought them. There are thousands of Fan Linlins and Li Yapings outstood in our program, which is exactly what we were envisioning when we initiated this program 6 years ago.

The program provides 15 online live interactive courses per week covering all the major subjects such as Chinese, math and English, as well as pedagogies, psychology and other education-related topics. It also ran online communities where rural teachers helped and motivated each other. In each semester year, the program created hundreds of chatting groups and online communities on different educational topics on WeLink, which enables rural teachers to share their talents, successes, concerns, doubts and happiness with fellow teachers across the country. With the support of HUAWEI, web-based learning proved to be the most practical and cost-effective way of delivering quality professional development to a significant number of early-career rural teachers.

THIS program is a true and vivid demonstration of tech4all spirit.

We believe that the development of rural education counts on rural teachers' capabilities. YouChange Foundation has been devoted to rural educational revitalization since 2010 and we believe the greatest development is the development of human beings. In the future, we would love to continue the partnership with HUAWEI and enhancing rural education by deploying the technology and maximizing the social value of ICT technology.

Together, tech4all and tech4education. Thank you.

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